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How do I get started?To send your first review request, you need to follow 2 steps. 1. Add at least one URL link to a review site for your business. To do this, go to the locations tab and click any business address. Then go to the "Review Sites" tab. Here, you will just need to add at least one review site URL. 2. Once one review site URL is added, you can go the "Send" section. Here, you simply need to add in customer info, pick the specific business location, pick the review site, and hit send.
How do I add employees?To add employees, go to the "Staff" tab. You will have the option to add a manager or employee. For both, you just need their name and email address. Once you add them, you can then have the staff member download the app register. They will then be associated with your business.
What's the difference between an employee and a manager?In the app, managers and employees can do different things. Managers can do nearly all owner roles, employees are more restricted. Managers can add and delete employees, add employees to a location, view text history, view customer feedback, send requests. Employees can only send review requests. They cannot view different employees or locations. They cannot view send history or customer feedback.
What does adding an employee to a location mean?Adding an employee to a location means you are associating that employee with that specific location (meaning they work there). You can add employees to multiple locations. What this also means is that employees will only be able to request reviews for locations they are associated with. This makes it less confusing for employees, so they don't accidentally send a review request for a different location. To add an employee to a location, go to the specific location details page and add an employee from there.
Do leftover requests at the end of the month roll over?No, requests do not roll over at the end of the month. It resets to the number of requests you bought in the subscription.
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